Unit 6 - Assignment 1 - Blog 3
I really enjoy reading various up-to-date articles each week in regards to technology in education. I often read a few, maybe 6 or 7, and then choose the one I feel I've gained the most insight from to share in my blog. I came across a very interesting article called, "A Model for the Digital Classroom." This article shares that digital learning has been shown to boost achievement. It begins by reminding the reader that technology in classrooms used to mean a few desktop computers in the back of a classroom. Technology you see in classrooms now typically could involve some or all of the following: iPads, tablets, laptops, desktops, SMARTboards, clickers, projectors, etc. The edtech space has only gotten more exciting and expansive each and every year. Stated directly from the article, " Digital learning has been shown to boost student achievement and is vital to the modernisation of school curriculums, helping teachers deliver better results for...